This morning as I sat down to start my workday I opened up my laptop and it opened a security program and ran a quick daily scan to see if there were any harmful threats, computer viruses, malware, etc. It also does a scan to see what areas of the computer need cleaned up, optimized, etc. It tells me what I could do to make the computer faster and more productive by removing things that shouldn’t be there or are just slowing down the computer.
My mind immediately went to scripture. You see, before I begin work every day I open my Bible, read my daily reading plan that I am in, pray and take inventory of my life in regards to what I just read. In many ways, the Bible is quite similar to the program on my computer.
As I read the Word of God the Holy Spirit is scanning my heart, my mind, my actions, my motives, and the secret things of my heart. While reading I am praying what the Psalmist David prayed, “Search me O LORD and see if there is any wicked way in me.” As I read and pray the Lord points out things in my life that should be dealt with. I confess them and delete them from my heart and mind. Scripture points out how I should be living in order to have an optimal life in the spirit. It convicts and finds the deadly viruses that can bring my life down and make me spiritually sick. The Word of God shows me the ways in which I should go and the steps I need to take to stay spiritually, emotionally, and physically healthy.
Just like my virus protection software protects, lengthens the life of, and keeps my computer working to its best potential, the Word of God does the same exact thing. If obeyed it protects us and keeps us living our best life…the life of a productive child of God.
How much more valuable is the Word of God that we should be in it every day allowing the Holy Spirit to scan and take inventory over our complete person? I want to live optimally and that will never happen apart from a daily time in the Word of God.
Maybe it’s time for a Spiritual scan! Live in the Word!
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