Let Your Light Shine

This morning as I was driving to get coffee the sky was covered with dark clouds and there was fog that was covering the roads. It was dark and dreary. I love driving with my sunroof open regardless of if it's sunny or not. 
After getting my coffee I turned onto the road leading to my office at the church and the sun blasted through the clouds and through my sunroof blinding me.  So much so that I immediately moved my head so that the son wouldn't shine in my eyes. It was then that the thought occurred to me; this is what people do that are uncomfortable with the light of the gospel that shines into their lives.  Maybe the light shines through a church or through a Christian friend.  The lights hits the sinner's eyes and they position themselves so that they no longer see the light of the Sun, Jesus Christ.

They remove themselves from situations that could cause them to feel guilt for their actions, or maybe from people that live out their faith in such a way that causes them to feel uncomfortable when they are around them.

It's not a new concept that men and women who do not know the Lord prefer to be in darkness.  Don't agree with me? Look what John3:19-20 says.

John 3:19-20 ESV
19And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. 20 For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed.

Those who are walking in the light want to be exposed to Biblical teaching. Those who are walking in the light want to be exposed to the truth of Scripture and then submit to it. If we cannot walk in the light and live in submission to the gospel then we have to ask ourselves if we are walking in the light or if we are hiding from it. 

My prayer is that you love the light and desire to draw nearer to Him every day! The more you're in the light the brighter you yourself will shine.  Shine on friends!
