Hearing from God

One of the things that I am really leaning into right now is hearing the voice of God. For the past week, I have been doing a daily you version devotional with several friends where we read a scripture passage, read the devotional, and then write what we feel God is saying to us.  It’s all within the app and we can all read each other’s comments about the reading and what they felt God was speaking to them about.

It’s interesting to see that within the group it seems like God says different things to different people about the same passages.  It’s not they are interpreting it differently it’s that the Holy Spirit stresses different parts and different areas that are perfectly fitted to our lives and situations.

Hearing God’s voice can be a difficult thing by itself but this week when having a conversation about prayer and hearing God’s voice with my eleven-year-old I found it even harder to explain. There are times we speak to ourselves in our heads and there are times where we really can sense that God is leading and that is speaking and nudging us in a specific area.

The devotional has looked at different things that keep us from hearing God’s voice.  Each one of them boils down to a different kind of sin. Sin is what separates us from God not just in His presence, or keeping us from Eternity with Him, but Sin keeps up from even hearing His voice.

I know there are times in my own life where I seek Him, I mean really, really earnestly seek Him, but it’s like He’s not there or He doesn’t hear me.  Chances are you know what I am talking about because of the fact that we each experience this void from time to time. As I was reading this afternoon and asking the Lord what to share with you today I came across Isaiah 59. It says

“Indeed, the LORD’s arm is not too weak to save, and His ear is not too deaf to hear.
But your iniquities are separating you from your God, and your sins have hidden His
face from you so that He does not listen.”

And then Isaiah begins listing some of the sins that the people are engaged in both in actions, thoughts, and speech.  As we read it is obvious that the Lord has not walked away from us but that we have walked away from Him with our actions and our words. We
have offended Him and caused a gap and void between He and us.

For us to restore the relationship and in a sense open His ears so that He hears us we must come to Him humbly and confess our sins.  Then and only then will
He returns and hears our prayers.

How is your prayer life? Your devotional life?  I hope and pray you are seeking Him every minute of the day and scheduling daily time to spend with Him in His Word and in prayer.  If you’re struggling to hear Him today make it a priority to come before Him in confession. It is then that the distant feeling will disappear and you will once again recognize His voice.

Prayer: “Lord forgive me for blaming you for not hearing Your voice when all the while it has been my sin alone that has created the distance between us.”

Action: Take time to confess, take time to read His Word, take time to listen to His Voice.
