As you probably know Jennifer and I have four children. All of them completely different yet in some crazy way somewhat the same. Hudson our 8 year old will be turning 9 in a couple weeks and he has begun to ask us about birthday gifts. Last year his brother Mason who is now 12 asked only for gift cards and cash. Although I was hesitant for several reasons I said that would be okay. So the boy ended up with close to $200. Well now his younger brother Hudson is asking the same thing. “Dad, can everyone just give me money for my birthday?”
Why does this bother me? Well for one, when it’s their cash they can pretty much spend it on what they want (approved by us of course). Last year I remember Mason buying his main gift for himself, a nice fishing pole and lots of bait. But then he had money left over and he began spending it on all kinds of crazy stuff. He bought hot wheels for his brothers. He bought a my little pony for his little sister. “Oh what a sweet heart” your saying! He brought his cash to church and bought tons of chips, and candy, and pop and all kinds of junk. It was waisted money.
I was reading through 1 Peter 4 today and I came across this verse. 10 As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
Here's the thing. God gives each one of us gifts. Some people have the gift of helps, some the gift of serving others, some the gift of mercy or evangelism. Others have gifts and talents like playing instruments or singing. Some have the ability to understand and run technology better than others. We all have a variety of different gifts that the Father as given to us.
Peter is reminding us in the verse that the purpose of our gifts is to minister to one another and to squander it away. We are supposed to be good stewards of our gifts. It means bettering our gifts, investing in our gifts, learning how it can minister to others etc. Over the past year our family has survived because others ministered to us with the use of their gifts. People prepared food for us. People came and picked up laundry and took it home to do as to not “bother us”. People hosted our children for literally weeks at a time. People gave, and gave, and gave. That is the point of gifts.
Whatever your gift is. Learn it, develop it, nurture it, and by all means use it to minister to someone. Why? verse 11 “So that in all things God may be Glorified through Jesus Christ"
I still don’t know what we will do about Hudson’s birthday but I do know the purpose of the gifts we have received. It’s all about using it for others that God may be glorified.
Ask yourself these questions
* What are my gifts?
* How am I using them to serve others?
* Am I glorifying God or myself with the gifts I have been given?
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