I don’t know about you but today has been a heavy day. A day that’s been filled with hard stuff, hard situations, and heavy burdens. And although they aren’t my burdens or my situations it is extremely hard dealing with other people’s stuff. When others are hurting I can’t help but hurt. When others have been wronged, I can’t help but want justice for them. When others are praying for miracles to keep their families together, I can’t help but invest my heart, my mind, and my emotions. Full time ministry is the hardest thing that I have ever done. Being a Christian some times causes us to bear so many burdens above and beyond those of our own families.
But that’s how the family of God is. We were never meant to bear our burdens alone. The enemy throws us some huge curveballs in life and most of the time they are more than we can bear ourselves. As I sat listening to someone’s story of their life today all I could think about was “Wow! You need people to help you carry these burdens.” It was too much for any one person to handle on their own.
Yes we give our burdens to the Lord as we should. But who else do you have in your life that helps you carry your burdens? Who is lifting your burdens, your needs, the miracles you are praying for, etc? We were meant to live in community! A community that shares burdens and helps to encourage and lift one another up. It’s such a beautiful thing to see people here at Cedar Valley living life in community the way it should be.
So who is your community? Who do you share your burdens with? Who do you go to when you can’t do it on your own? Who lifts you up? Who supports you? Who is there for you in thick and thin? If you don’t have anyone let me challenge you to find someone in the church who you can partner up with. Life is easier when you have more people praying for you and caring for you. Let Jesus carry your burdens, and let others carry you to Jesus! Let others fight the spiritual battles on your behalf! Otherwise you may be crushed from the weight of what this world throws your way!
'Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. If you think you are too important to help someone, you are only fooling yourself. You are not that important.’
Galatians 6:2-3
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