Our Sovereign God

This morning I was reading in John 8. It’s another one of those days where Jesus was teaching at the temple and was being challenged by the Pharisees about the legitimacy of His claims to be the Son of God. He was in the midst of religious leaders that were plotting to kill him and they could have taken him away at anytime. But then this verse shows up and rescues Him.

“....Yet no one seized him, because his hour had not yet come.”
‭‭John‬ ‭8:20‬ ‭NIV‬‬

What does that mean; “His hour had not yet come?”  Could it be that God is completely sovereign over the plans of our lives? In God’s perfect sovereignty He did not want Jesus arrested on this particular day in Jesus’ life. He had a different plan. If God is sovereign over His Son’s plans than He is also sovereign over our plans.

Proverbs puts it this way.

“To humans belong the plans of the heart, but from the Lord comes the proper answer of the tongue. All a person’s ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the Lord. Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans. The Lord works out everything to its proper end— even the wicked for a day of disaster.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭16:1-4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

You see, we come up with our grand plans but in reality God is behind the scenes working everything out for His good pleasure and His glory for those of us that love Him.
My pastor in college used to say that the man or woman of God is indestructible until it is God’s time for them to go home.  That doesn’t give us the right to be stupid and careless with our lives. It is simply a reminder that God takes the trials and struggles of our lives and works them for His own purposes.  As we go through our days we can know and be aware that God wants to use each day, hour, minute & second for His purposes.  May our hearts lean into Him knowing that we can bring Him glory by everything going on in our lives. He is in control and He will not fail you. He will protect you. 
