Often times on Friday mornings I can be found working at cabin coffee like I am today.  Each Friday I meet with three other men for a Bible study at 11:30am here and it just keeps me more productive to not have to leave the church and come over here when I am in the middle of something.  Being the only pastor on staff….(for another week) I have had to find ways to be more productive and more efficient. 

    This morning when I walked in I noticed two men sitting across from each other with their Bibles open and deep in conversation.  When they left I told them that it is great to see brothers digging into scripture together.  I love seeing that!
    When I was asked to join my small group of guys everything within me wanted to say “no”.  It’s not comfortable for me to make myself vulnerable.  I am busy and wanted to use that as my excuse.  It’s true, I really am a busy guy.  I could come up with a list of a hundred reasons why I did not want to meet with them. But there was something deep within me calling me to say “yes”.  It was the Holy Spirit reminding me that I needed them and I needed to be in the Word and speaking about the Word and how it is actively at work in our lives.  So I joined and later this morning I will meet with three other Christian brothers.
    When I opened my Bible this morning I came to Joshua 1 and these words jumped out at me.

“This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it.  For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.  Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you whoever you go.” - Joshua 1:8-9

I could preach a message or two on these two verses but what I want to communicate to you is this.  In order for you & I to live out God’s Word in our lives and our families, we must be people of the Word.  That is not a casual suggestion for God fearing people.  It is so much more than that.  It is a way of life. We must be in the Word! How can we expect to live victorious lives if we are not in it?  The LORD tells us to mediate on it at all times so that we will live in the matter which we should. 

When is the last time you sat down and opened your Bible outside of Sunday?  Are you in it every day?  Are you meditating on it every day? Is it overflowing into your marriage, into your parenting and into your every day life? The more you get into the Word the more it will transform you into the image of Christ. 
