This morning as I was reading through Romans 11 I came across this verse and I had to stop and just ponder them. Scripture is so rich and God speaks to us when we read, listen, and talk to Him.

Romans 11:33 Oh, how great are God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! 

Have you ever thought about the greatness of God?  We sing about it and talk about it all of the time but do we really think about it concerning his character and who He is?  This verse says God's riches are great, God’s wisdom is great, and God’s knowledge is great.  When reading scripture ask yourself “How does this truth affect my life today?”  Well, if you have a need, God’s riches are at your disposal.  He is your Father and you are his child.  He will take care of you and meet the needs that you have.  Are you making decisions, or needing counsel?  God’s wisdom and knowledge are greater than anyone else’s.  Seek Him for wisdom and knowledge.  Go to Him in prayer and seek Him out in scripture!  You will find the wisdom and knowledge you need for daily living. Do not let culture and the world define your ethics, beliefs, morals, and values.  Let scripture define those for you.  Why is scripture so important?

 2 Timothy 2:16  “ All Scripture is God-breathed, and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

Scripture is not just for Sunday’s.  It is for every minute of every day.  It is what guides us as we live.  It is profitable for every situation we will ever face.  Whatever it is you are seeking you will find the answer in scripture.  May the Holy Spirit speak to you as you get into the Word this week.  Be people of the Word friends!  God accomplishes His purposes in us when we live according to His ways!
